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Sample Prop 33 E-blast

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Subject: Help Protect Your Property Rights – Vote NO on Prop 33

Dear [Client's Name],

I’m reaching out to share important information about Proposition 33, which will be on the upcoming November ballot. As your REALTOR®, I want to make sure you are informed about how this could impact homeowners in California.

Prop 33 would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, current law that protects property owners from extreme rent control. Costa-Hawkins has been crucial in:

  • Preventing rent control from being applied to single-family homes and condos.
  • Allowing property owners to raise rents to market value when a tenant moves out.

Prop 33 threatens to undo these protections. Here’s why you should vote NO:

  • It allows local governments to impose rent control on single-family homes and condos.
  • It gives unelected rent boards the power to set strict rent caps, which could reduce your property’s value.
  • By making it harder for property owners to cover the costs of maintenance, it will worsen California’s housing shortage and increase rents in the long run.

California’s housing market is already facing significant challenges, and Prop 33 would make it worse. Voting NO on Prop 33 helps protect your property rights and encourages smart housing solutions for our state.

If you have any questions or want more information, I’m here to help.

Best regards,

[Contact Information]

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